headshot of sumaia

Sumaia salauddin

Sumaia is a full-stack web developer in training and have the necessary education, training and enthusiasm to make a difference in a working environment. Sumaia was a marketing graduate but retrained herself in web development, and thus poses a combined skill from both disciplines for the digital world.

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HTML | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery | MySQL |Sequelize | Node JS | Express JS | Handlebars JS | MVC Paradigm | Heroku


list of activities

Bored As Book

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery | web APIs

An app which allows users to randomly generate a list of activities given a random list of criteria, price, participants. The users will be presented with options and will be able to swipe left (delete) or swipe right (add to basket).

list of activities

CRUSH Dating App

HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery | MySQL | Sequelize

An app which allows users to randomly generate a list of activities given a random list of criteria, price, participants. The users will be presented with options and will be able to swipe left (delete) or swipe right (add to basket).

choose your password

Password Generator

HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript

Used JavaScript to generate a random, secure password for the user.


Code Quiz

HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript

A timed code quiz developed with html and css and powered by javascript.



HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery

Work day scheduler is a event recorder that store user input by hour of the day.


Weather Widget

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Bootstrap | JQuery | Moment.js

An application showing current and future weather forecasts and store recent search information.

Marketing webpage image

Employee Tracker

Node.js | MySQL

Employee Tracker is a command line application, using inquirer with basic commands to add and manage Employees, Roles and Departments.

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Readme Generator

HTML5 | CSS | Node.js

Readme-generator is an app which I have created using Node.js with the inquirer package.This app accepts user input and returns a README.md file, with sections and table of contents dynamically build based on which elements the user choose to include.

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Team Profile Generator

HTML5 | CSS | Node.js

This is a Node.js command line application uses inquirer package to requests the user about members of their team and dynamically generates a HTML document with cards for each employee.

placeholder image

E-Commerce Back End

JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | MySQL

E-Commerce Back End is an app to build the back end for an e-commerce site using ORM with Sequelize and MySQL.Express was used for the server.